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Homescapes ad knows name

After these players are retained for a few days the LTV is optimized through successful live service management aka.

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Retaining the acquired users with a mini-game: If the hero creative/or playable ad involves a fake gameplay, it is added as a minigame to the events or core mechanics until the player is hooked in with the real in-game content. This leads to a higher CTI (Click Through Installs) and conversion rates in app stores since the players who viewed and tapped the ad see a similar content in the store page - even though the ad originally was just a fake gameplay. Optimization of the storefronts: After a “hero creative/or the main playable ad” is selected, Playrix changes the app icons and the first screenshots in the app stores to reflect a similar message with the ads. This allows them to optimise the number of clicks and app store visits resulting in higher CTRs (Click Through Rates) Mastering of ad creatives: Playrix regularly tries out new creatives (mostly playable ads) based on the popular and trending ad creative themes or gameplays (even fake ones).

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Here’s how Playrix improves the marketability of their games:

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Their performance marketing teams are clearly involved in the product development process and seem to even sometimes give direction based on the market trends to maximize the acquisition of new players. What Playrix excels in optimizing the IPM.

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